Pinch of Salt, Dash of Pepper

A pinch of salt.  A dash of pepper.  Terms used frequently while cooking.  Commandments to chefs who live and die by proper seasoning.  And the basis of my collection.  But to say I just have a pinch or a dash is quite the understatement!  In fact I have 129 pinches and dashes!  And if you know me then you know I’m referring to my salt and pepper collection! 

Years ago, circa 1998, I shared with my now husband the interesting tidbit that I “had a salt and pepper collection”.  When he asked how many I had, I sheepishly said “one”!  OK, maybe it wasn’t a collection at the time but it was the start of a desired collection so I figured that counted.  And it was just that – the start of a desired collection. 

From the one starter set (Red Chili Peppers given to me by one of my best friends who knew of my collection dreams), I bought myself my second set for no particular reason other than I saw them (Black and White Irons) and took the opportunity to get this collection underway.  From there it became the thing to do whenever we traveled - a mandatory quest while vacationing is always to find a cute salt and pepper set to mark our destination.  It has become a reliable no-fail gift for Christmas, Mother’s Day, or my birthday.  And it’s been a little treat I give myself from time to time when I see one that makes me smile (Peas In A Pod or Eggs In A Skillet)!

I’ve had people regift me old sets that they no longer want (Egyptian Posed Women, Mickey and Minnie Mouse).  I’ve had friends bring sets back to me when they return home from a vacation (Hawaii Pineapples, Peruvian Bulls, London 3-Piece High Tea).  I’ve had family give me sets to mark certain events or happenings (master bathroom remodel yielded the Hot/Cold Faucet set from mom and dad!).  And I’ve even had someone bring me a salt and pepper hostess gift to one of our Christmas parties with absolutely ZERO knowledge of my collection!  Each set has a memory or person associated with their entrance into my collection.  I’ve cataloged every one of the 129 sets with the date received, a brief description or name reference and the circumstances as to by who or how they are now mine.  It’s fun to look back and reflect on the memories and give nod to the special people in my life who have contributed to my collection.

My dining room is home to all of my sets.  I have shelves and shelves dedicated to the display (which don’t get dusted nearly as often as it should for obvious reasons!).  But that first set, it sits in my office on a shelf by itself.  It is a symbol for me that what may have started small has the potential to grow if you truly believe.  I truly believed I had a salt and pepper “collection” in 1998.  And today I truly believe I have a business I’ve built out of that same passion I had to be a salt and pepper collector.  So on those days when I’m down because of a lost client or a canceled/nonexistent order, I look at those shakers and think about how determination keeps things building in the right direction.  Tomorrow I’ll go into the kitchen and continue to add a pinch of salt and a dash of pepper to my cooking endeavors. 


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