Taste: Not Taken For Granted

Almost three years to the exact date of World Health Organization declaring COVID-19 a global pandemic I tested positive.  I had been dodging this thing for almost three years but now here it was.  To be honest I never quite understood HOW I didn’t contract it with how much I am exposed publicly.  I’m at Cook Cork & Fork several times a week in close proximity to guests, sharing a close quartered kitchen space and cleaning their dirty dishes.  Not to mention the small sink room where I work elbow to elbow with my CCF family.  I am at the grocery store at least 3 times a week if not more.  I interact with multiple clients on a weekly basis, going in and out of their homes.  And of course, I live my life and enjoy the social interactions of friends, dining out, shopping and the occasional theater movie or concert event.  But I dodged, nonetheless.

Of course in the beginning none of us knew what to expect if we tested positive and most of us probably had a level of fear in that unknown.  But as vaccines and knowledge came to light those fears lessened. Clearly nobody likes to be sick but we saw fewer tragic endings to positive tests and came to understand that symptoms can be managed.  And that’s true.  I’m not feeling great but it’s nothing more dramatic than when I’ve had the flu, or a really bad cold, or even strep throat – all of which I managed and got through.  However, as I sit isolated in my bedroom, away from my family, the one thing that is haunting me is this metallic taste I have in my mouth.  THIS is and for the most part has always been my greatest COVID fear – my sense of taste being affected. 

I rely daily on my ability to taste my food. It’s essential to what I do for a living to ensure that the seasoning is on point, that the quality of what I am delivering to clients upholds the standards that I’ve set when promoting my food as “delicious”.  I need to be able to taste ingredients together and know they are balanced and complimentary.  I need to be confident that the love I’m putting into the cooking effort is accurately reflected and felt when a client takes their first bite. 

OK, OK – I know you probably think this overly dramatic.  And maybe it is, but it is a real emotion that is present in me currently.  And while if you check back with me next week, I’ll most likely be in the kitchen tasting and adjusting just as I have in the past, I can’t help take pause to appreciate my sense of taste and how much it means to me.  We all have those moments, don’t we?  Where we are momentarily rocked by the reality of losing something we take for granted?  Of course we do.  And we reflect, make promises to be present and truly appreciate those things going forward.  So that’s what I’m doing right now – with this post.  I’m acknowledging how much I rely on and love my ability to taste.  I’m acknowledging how much I miss cooking for my clients and how much I miss being with my CCF family.  I’m acknowledging that I miss the taste of my morning orange juice.  And I’m acknowledging that if nothing else, this is once again, another validation of the love and the passion I have for how I feel when I’m in the kitchen, creating dishes, sharing myself and making people happy.  Be patient On The Menu – this too shall pass (I hope!!!!). 


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Quanto Basta