Did You Know... Installment 1

As a lover of all things culinary, I feel that I have a fairly wide knowledge of food (at least in comparison to my family!).  That being said, I am always excited (and sometimes amused) to learn a new tidbit or fun food fact. 

The idea for this blog came to be while discussing ketchup with a friend – I’m pro-ketchup on my fries, he’s pro-cheese.  However, while not a fan of the condiment, he was quick to share that ketchup was once used as medicine (perhaps in an effort to justify up his ketchup dislike).  Turns out he was correct - during the 1830s ketchup was said to have medicinal properties and thought to cure diarrhea, indigestion, jaundice, and rheumatism.  Who knew?

So it got me thinking.  While I may feel like I have a wide knowledge of food, there’s clearly still a wealth of information that I’ve yet to unearth.  And if that’s true for me, it’s likely true for you as well.  So off to the Internet I went trying to find interesting (and often obscure) culinary facts.  You wouldn’t believe how many fun things I’ve found!  So many that it would be impossible to share them all with you in one blog posting.  Hence, please enjoy the very first installment Did You Know Fun Food Facts. 

An average ear of corn has an even number of rows, usually 16.

Vinegar has the power to melt pearls.

If you have a latex allergy, you are likely allergic to papaya.

We taste mostly with our nose, not our mouth - it's estimated that between 70-90% of what we perceive as taste actually comes from smell.

Afraid of whipping up a meal? You might have mageirocophobia, also known as the fear of cooking.

An average American will eat the equivalent of 28 pigs in their lifetime.

In 2001, there were more than 300 banana-related accidents in Britain, most involving people slipping on skins.

Every time you lick a stamp, you consume 1/10 of a calorie.

Coconut water can be used as blood plasma.

Everyone knows that iconic commercial about how many licks it takes to get to the center of tootsie pop. The truth is that it can take anywhere from 144-411 licks to get to the center.

No matter what color Fruit Loop you eat, they all taste the same.

HAVE A FUN FOOD FACT OF YOUR OWN?  We’d love to hear from you.  Share with us and then look for it to be included in upcoming Fun Food Fact installments! 


Quanto Basta


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